Get your home made wine reviewed using the EnoFile Home Winemaking app
Created by Brew Ventures Incorporated, the EnoFile Home Winemaking app automates tracking and wine making calculations for wine...
EnoFile Community InfoGrapic - Oak aging
Our recent community data helps inform home winemakers about how others are oak aging.
Petite Sirah Port Recipe
Yield: 4.5 gallons or 20 bottles Ingredients: At Crush: 5.5 gallons (55 lbs) macerated Petite juice with skins 15 ml 10% Potassium...
Restock your winery with the EnoFile Home Winemaking app
The EnoFile Home Winemaking app easily adds the wine supplies you need to make homemade wine to your shopping lis​t. “As I make wine, I use
Happy Valentine's Day
Sometimes love just isn't traditional. Cheers to love and wine!
EnoFile Home Winemaking Now Optimized for Tablets
Available on both IOS and Android devices, the app helps wine making amateurs make better wine by automatically calculating and easily track
EnoFile Home Winemaking Adds Sulfite and Back Sweetening Adjustments
Created by Brew Ventures Incorporated, the EnoFile home wine making app automates tracking and wine making calculations for the wine...
Syrah Rose
Yield: Up to 6 gallons or 30 bottles Ingredients: 10 grams potassium metabisulfite 90 ml water Dextrose or tartaric acid to adjust sugar...
Enjoy July 4th with homemade wine
Use the EnoFile home winemaking app to enjoy a hobby with family on the 4th of July. Then open last year's bottle!
Acid Trip: Co-founders return from a wine tasting vacation
Enjoying a much needed vacation, our co-founder, Susan Campbell-Weir writes about the wines she and co-founder, Bill Weir were able to...